Pre-purchase and Mid-term Physical Inspections and Audits

Gathering extensive data about the asset’s physical state, history, and status is crucial for making informed decisions about acquiring it or conducting mid-lease inspections. This includes assessing the remaining life of controlled components, reviewing technical records for maintenance program compliance, and documenting any modifications or repairs made to the aircraft.

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Our service

CAC Group offers essential technical support to determine the general condition of the asset by:

  • Conducting and managing physical aircraft inspections.
  • Auditing technical records.
  • Verifying maintenance program compliance.
  • Inventory of installed avionics equipment and major aircraft systems.
  • Verifying compliance with the terms of the lease agreement.
  • Issuing a technical report for the status of the asset.
  • Verifying preservation program for inactive assets.
  • Aircraft photography.
Pre-purchase and Mid-term Physical Inspections and Audits